Techniques to Develop Fluency in Reading

Guided and Repeated Oral Reading Practice consists of the following activities:

The teacher models fluent reading for students.  The teacher reads the words in the sentences and stories while students listen and silently follow along with the text in the book. Students echo the teacher as he reads the words in the sentences and stories.  The teacher reads out loud one sentence or paragraph at a time repeating each sentence or paragraph twice.  The students then read out loud that same sentence or paragraph.

The teacher and students do choral or unison reading.  The teacher along with the entire class reads together the sentences or stories.

(Optional)  Students are paired together as partners. Whenever possible, pair strong readers with less fluent partners.  The stronger partner models fluent reading with a particular sentence or paragraph, and then the other partner reads the same sentence or paragraph.  The stronger reader provides feedback and when necessary helps the other reader sound out and read the words correctly and with increasing fluency.  It is also possible to have two readers of approximately equal skill levels partner together.  These partner readers can practice rereading text after having received teacher-guided instruction with that same text.

The fluency activities listed above can be adjusted to meet the individual needs of students.  Some students require more repetition in oral reading than do others.  Adjust these fluency activities to the frequency rate that is appropriate for your students’ needs.  Please be aware that these activities are not necessarily all done on the same day and can instead be performed over several days’ duration.

Most students develop accuracy and fluency skills over time; acquiring these skills take practice and exposure to print.  Students perform repeated readings of the words in each fluency lesson until they are able to read the words effortlessly and without conscious effort spent in decoding or sounding out the words.

from Teacher’s Guide to We All Can Read Third Grade to Adult Edition

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